API-driven Serverless CMS

Powered by Google Firestore

Flexible data structure, direct data table inputs and serverless support makes PushTable the perfect data management tool for front-end developers and development agencies.

Control your own data

PushTable is just an UI on top of Google Cloud Platform and Firebase

  • Leverage Google Cloud Platform's fast network and global CDN
  • Use existing robust database APIs such as Firestore, Datastore
  • Maintain full ownership and control over you data
  • Data is stored in Google Cloud Firestore, a real-time database
  • Uploaded files are stored in Google Cloud Storage
  • Built to leverage the Firebase platform

Simplifying content management

Traditional content management systems are rigid and get the way of development, PushTable changes all that.

  • Fully flexible data structure
  • Inline data table editing for more direct input
  • Easily manage revision history for entries
  • Great support for a serverless workflow
Get started by importing one of our templates.

Flexibility + streamlined workflow

Looking for ways to manage your e-commerce inventory, company blog, in-app translations and more? Simplify the process and use a general purpose CMS. PushTable easily integrates with static site generators, and mobile SDK